1.the act of engaging in the life of a friend

2.the act of participating in an activity requested by or for a friend.
my friend was in trouble i had to get broactive bro-active
by manly t January 18, 2012
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1. (adj./adverb)The act of helping out your fellow bro.
2. (adverb) Furthering your status in the bro community (bro-mmunity).
1. "When Sean bought his thirsty friend Justin a Powerade after a hard game on ultimate frisbee, he was being very broactive.
2. "Mark broavtively stopped his friend James from making out with their friend Mike's girlfriend."
by Justin Gainer April 7, 2009
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Broactive: any attempt to get out ahead of and derail a movement or effort to undermine whiteguy power and control structure.
Bros are broactively attacking anyone accusing them of wrongdoing, so people will be reluctant to challenge their power in the future”.
by warvette September 29, 2018
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