Celtic king of Galicia, also known as Breoghan macBratha.
Breganos maccos Bratus was a Milesian.
by GalaicoWarrior May 25, 2008
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When a Bro/LaxBro posts a status on Facebook. Usually involving a youtube video, funny movie, or inside joke.
What the fuck does that mean?
- I don't know man, it's a bratus.
by spitinyourface August 20, 2010
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A gay that is also transgender.He likes watching porn a lot in his spare time.This type of gay is very dangerous especially when you encounter him in video games.Way more dangerous than polish guys.
Boii isn't that a Bratu?
Yea bro let's get away while we can!
by Jvfxigxfi October 10, 2017
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