
A word made famous by Catherine Tate as the character Lauren Cooper in The Catherine Tate Show. Used as part of her catchphrases when she was angry or embarrassed.
"Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered though? Look at my face. Is it bovvered? Arks me If I'm bovvered! Look, face, bovvered? I ain't bovvered!"
by ArmidianKnight July 11, 2008
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to show sarcastically that you dont care about something.
by roz cuthbert August 22, 2005
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Cockney slang for the word bother. To bother. To bother people.Looking for bovver.To fight,annoy.
Bovver boots (Doc martin boots)
Bovver Boys (skinheads/ boot boys/ hooligan/suedehead/smoothie)
by lord bovver May 9, 2007
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bovver boy

cockney pron. for bother boy; a skinhead or other thuggish anti-social no-brain
This gang of bovver boys crashed the party and wrecked the place.
by Bill Cranny December 17, 2003
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bovver boots

high-laced boots favoured by skinheads and other undesirables
they put their bovver boots in and busted three of his ribs
by Bill Cranny December 17, 2003
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Am I bovvered?

Common phrase made famous by impressionist Catherine Tate
face bovvered? am i bovvered? does my face look bovvered? I AINT BOVVERED!
by The One We Should Never Mention November 21, 2006
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am i bovvered?

From 'The Catherine Tate Show'
Basically means: "I don't care!"
Josh: You're not invited to the party!
Nat: Am I bovvered?
by Trampikey and Goldie! June 19, 2005
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