A person usually male who frequently rejects intimate propositions from persons of the opposite sex.
"that dude has been rejecting women all night" - "yeah, he's such a bounce off"
by Julli, Guddy, Hjorth and Tom December 6, 2008
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Get very excited about something
He was bouncing off walls when I said I had tickets for his favorite show.
by elefteria June 8, 2010
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(v) a figure of speech meaning beating someone up, usually referring to domestic violence.
I heard Tina broke up with her ex. I'm glad; he liked to make her bounce off the walls.


Tina's abusive ex liked to bounce her off the walls.
by Fromthe719 July 17, 2019
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Losing your shit when too heavily focused on something in your life
"Dude Trevor has been bouncing off the walls since his gf dumped him, buddy needs to hit the gym or go on a vacay to get his mind off that shit"
by sicklove April 10, 2014
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To get your jive on and go nuts. For example showing off your stuff at a dance-off.
*funky track kicks in*
Watch me bounce off da hook!
by whitmore March 16, 2005
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When you are asked by senior management to evaluate an idea and he/she expects an answer with no time for proper due diligence. You are then forced to "bounce it off the turtle" and see which direction it flies. It is very likely the idea will be approved based on your "careful" consideration and it will make or break your career.
Fred asked me to provide a solution for all of our revenue reporting. He expects it to predict changes in the industry and wants an answer by 8:00 AM tomorrow. I had to bounce it off the turtle and then updated my resume.
by Flying Bacon July 12, 2011
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