What a cute animal does when it sticks it’s tongue out
You” I saw a cat bleb!”
by codenamedoIphin November 17, 2020
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Invaginations in cell membrane that occur during apoptosis; attract phagocytes.
"When ionizing radiation damage was recognized during G1, ROCK1 ended up being activated and the membrane started blebbing all over the place."
by Perry Smith October 6, 2006
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Pronunciation key(bleb)

V, Bleb, Blebbed. Blebing

1 : To play an instrument wildly in a Nuevo jazz style, with a predominance of trills in the major and minor of each scale. Possibly a diametrically opposed playing style to baroque music. A performance typified by an apparent lack lustre randomness, accompanied by muttering, possibly dribbling, whilst taking inappropriate and convoluted rest periods, during witch copious amounts of cannabis are consumed.

2 : To render broken, to mess up irrecoverably e.g. “Don’t bother trying to fix it, That guitar is blebbed”

3 : To irritate or annoy beyond the usual limits of human consciousness e.g. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! YOUR BLEBBING MY FUCKING HEAD”
e.g. “Don’t bother trying to fix it, That guitar is blebbed”

by PeDr0 March 23, 2005
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Upper portion of the lung, most common in pneumothorax
The left bleb was punctured causing much pain
by AFMech May 1, 2009
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1. A small blister or pustule.
2. An air bubble.
1. that bleb is disgusting!
2. pop the bleb!
by me February 11, 2004
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