A state of being when one is the biggest amount of gay possible.
by Felix.n.anderson February 11, 2018
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You can't be a big gay only THE big gay. You are the gayest of the gays. It requires years of training to become the Big Gay as you need to be a huge nonce and have at least 300 snapchat streaks that you are dedicated to keeping
by Essence07 February 6, 2018
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A term used for a massive homosexual. If they are really fucking queer, you tell them they have the big gay. Is not gender specific, nor targeted to only people. If you stub your toe on a coffee table, you can say it's got the big gay
Tezza - "Oi cunt, I bet you kiss girls."
Warren - "I do not kiss girls!" "Oh fuck."
Tezza - "You have the big gay my nigga."
by The biggest gay December 27, 2017
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when u hittin it from behind but ur homie dont say no homo
youve contracted the gay
"bro, u got that big gay from kyle last friday"
by pussyeater420.0 May 25, 2018
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A state of being when one is the biggest amount of gay possible.
by Felix.n.anderson February 11, 2018
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A gay alien standing at 15.7 feet tall and has the power to turn anyone gay in a mile radius and at full power after turning 1,000,000 people gay he can turn everyone on earth gay with the clap of the hands.
Dude look it’s the big gay we’re gonna die, he’s gonna turn us gay like the rest!”
by Monty buckets March 10, 2018
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