A borner is when you have a boner with the intent to impregnate
"I woke up earlier today with a borner for Allison.. Pull out game weak.."
by ChadMorningWood January 2, 2019
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(can also be spelled as borener)

a boner caused by boredom. usually during math or history class
Person 1: dude, it's your turn to go write the answer out on the board. everyone's waiting

Person 2: i can't man, i got a borner! cover for me, will ya?
by mufasa333 September 17, 2007
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an extremely dumb teacher who doesnt know shit about her job. she will constantly show pictures of her husband and family even though no one gives a ####.
i hate this bitch mrs borner
by i hate you bitches March 2, 2010
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