The Immortal God who’ll finesse your thot at any moment in any given time. When women see him they instantly orgasm
You wanna date Victor Ayala huh?
by donotskeet on Instagram August 26, 2019
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An annoying fucktard who doesn't know how to chill and eat a cats ass for fun
Oh no, he's an Ivan Ayala he's gonna come for me!!
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Edwin A. is known to be the stupidest kid alive. He is so freaking dumb. It is known to everyone EDWIN AYALA IS always gonna be single. He has a thing for girls his height.(Short asf) He loves girls that start with an S is their name. But he gon have a glo-up.
by 121212PINAPPLE May 22, 2017
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Steven Ayala is a guy that gives off those gay goblin vibes, is attracked to flat anime girls, and loves to lie. Wears knee high socks often and loves to cross-dress and self identifies as an anime girl. Loves men. Even though his trap-like features might have you think "holy shit this guys homo" He's pretty cool and fuN to hang around with. Don't tell him that though, He's a narcissistic emo.
Susan: Hey steven how're you doing! I see you're cross-dressing again
Steven Ayala: I sure am! I love it!
by John Tron October 13, 2019
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Capitalist bastard. Often has strong views against abortions, health insurance and anything good for the US.

Likes to bomb places and would hate to see Goerge Bush lose the next Election.
Politician A: So, what are your opinions on ____?
Politician B: Well, I think that _____ is bad, and we'll go to hell if we endorse it. Let's go bomb Iraq instead.
Politician A: You're such an Oscar Ayala.
by Frankie February 8, 2004
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