Some stupid idiot's version of the word amen. The -men part is replaced with -women in an effort to make men and women more equal...
(insert prayer here) Amen and Awomen.
by angryfrog5000 January 19, 2021
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a spin off Amen (what Christians say after a prayer)
If christians think that god hates fags why do they say Amen. I say Awomen!!!!!!!!
by snowing down under March 22, 2012
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(S) A lighthearted term used to draw attention to an historically large number of female congress members. Also used to set off right-wing snowflakes.
Republican: "There is NO WAY that Trump lost the reelection. Just look at the extreme lack of evidence of voter fraud. That obviously shows that there was!"

Everyone else: "Awomen to that!

Republican: "Aarrgh! You should respect my religion since I don't respect anyone else's. Me and my Uncle-Grandpa will shoot you since we are way too weak to settle arguments like men!"
by Notaconspiracynut January 6, 2021
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Some dumb shit that some congressman said that even dumber people are getting angry about online, because no one has anything to do during coronvirus
Fuckwad: Amen and Awomen
Everyone else: "Oh my god, shut up, no one cares."
by Dicksmigee January 11, 2021
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A word that triggers the religious right, and makes them cranky.
“God, thank you for our blessings. Amen and Awomen.”
by GMG1981 January 5, 2021
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A word used by sexists that want to eradicate every single thing that has the word "man" in it, including foreign words that do not have anything to do with men.
Person A: "Awomen"
Person B:" You are so fucking dumb"
by ShitPissCum1312 January 23, 2021
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Identifies both bodies that makes One, (biblical Bible scriptures speaks of wombs and bosoms) Awoman made Amen, so after prayer is Awoman amen.
Awomen was gratefully thank after preparing a meal.
by Rastamonk January 10, 2021
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