A mullet "down-under." Excessive pubic hair growing to the point of becoming a hair do down there. However, it is difficult to tell which part is business and which is the party.
I took off her pants and WHOA, what's with the Australian mullet?
by boredworker55 March 3, 2011
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A girl who is known for visiting many "nectar providing appendages" in one night To satisfy her thirst Down under.
Man, did you see Carla at the party last night?
Yeah she was like a fucking Australian Hummingbird!
by TheMightyGregasaurus April 23, 2011
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An Australian man that can usually be found in Sydney that loves his " fuck authority " additude , has either a full sleeve or a " familia " tattoo on the underside of his bicep , Loves getting his rig out at stereo and munching pills with the boys , a real " i fuck girls on the reg " type operator , can be spotted in local bars clicking his fingers and walking with a limp .
Matt - oi jack look who it is .
Jack - get fucked

**Od'z walks past limping and clicking his fingers

Matt - Australian Yeeha

Jack - what a fucking gaycunt
**matt and Jack both turn and leave .
by Zinger42 December 17, 2015
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The "Australian Brain Freeze" is the sex act of putting an ice cube in a vagina. It's named after Australia because Australia is known as the land down under.
My girlfriend's asked me to do the Australian Brain Freeze for her last night. It was horrible.
by BubblesØ6 May 22, 2024
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a person who dost give a fuck about politics and say's the words fuck,shit,cunt, and consistently says fuck off a wank stain
american:" hey whats a true Australian" other average american " idk someone who lives upside down
by a person you fucking retard September 30, 2019
A regular reacharound except you're both hanging upside down. Sometimes called the Auzzie Roundabout. It doesn't have to be homosexual, you can do this with a man or woman and sometimes you can switch roles, but role switching would involve a strap-on depending on the gender of those involved.
"The Australian reacharound is a very intimate position and is recommended towards married couples."
by ItzzStupidCrazy September 20, 2019
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Also referred to as an "Aussie circumcision" or "Outback circumcision." It is a procedure in which 2 uncircumcised people sew their foreskins together and pull away quickly, ripping one or both of their foreskins off.
Person 1: "Why the fuck is there blood everywhere, and why is old mate screaming!?"
Person 2: "He did an Australian Circumcision with his bud"
by Sarin_Nox May 20, 2023
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