
Atlus (株式会社アトラス, Kabushiki-gaisha Atorasu) is a Japanese game developer, publisher, and distributor based in Tokyo, Japan, best known for developing Shin Megami Tensei.
Atlus U.S.A. isn't Atlus Japan. Atlus U.S.A. just sucks Atlus fanboys while Atlus Japan makes the games.
by atlusfan July 21, 2011
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Pulling an Atlus

When you piss off the people around you by constantly making the same shitty decisions.
Bob: Dude, I’m so sorry I can’t make it again tonight.
Jim: Bro, you really need to stop pulling an atlus.
by ItsJohnBitchez April 19, 2021
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ATLUS AND MAJUS is so epic they dont even like fortnite
by JEWS_.__Are___Evil May 26, 2023
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Supersexy hot beautiful and cute best at everything
by Bestreviewstruthbetold October 26, 2022
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