An Ataberk is demanding, aggressive and may take advantage of opportunities presented to them. Ataberk is usually intoxicated, although will deny it. Ataberk's rarely sleep and girls will find him attractive.
His extirior is nicer than his interior.
"That guy is such an Ataberk"
by Amdm August 4, 2015
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Ataberk is one of the sexiest man alive.He sometimes goes as Damocles

1 Ataberk can invade whole europe all by himself.Imagine what 2 Ataberk can do.
Ataberk doesn't need water,food,sex or even oxygen to survive because they are more superior than human race.
He is one of many reasons why Roman Empire collapsed
Ataberk: Moves his right hand
Europe: Gets clapped


Caesar: Oh no please don't do this
Ataberk: ....
Roman Empire collapses
by NotDamo November 22, 2021
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