People with the name Arula are jovial and love to talk. They are very creative and intelligent. They are generally understanding and respectful. Arula's are down to earth and are extremely supportive of their friends. They try to make other people happy and have a good time. they are versatile and have a very optimistic attitude. Arula believes in helping others and is quite into philanthropic deeds. As a friend, Arula can be extremely decent and trustworthy. Other than that they are extremely good looking. They are stubborn, determined and wont stop at nothing to achieve their goals
Hey look its Arula
by Deeznutsintensifies November 23, 2021
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Nigerian for guy who loves Ginelle, Kristine, and Ethan. Not Chris. Often a suffix for "Jason".
Oh look, there's an Arula. He likes to berger and cruz
by Science1D December 4, 2013
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