The band was named after a club the duo used to run, called 'Captain Sensual at the Helm of the Groove Armada'. Yorkshire man Andy Cato used to play trombone in a brass band and is a former Young Jazz Musician of the Year. Tom Finlay hails from Cambridge and used to work in public reltionships for Nike
Albums are Vertigo (1999), Goodbye Country, Hello Nightclub (2001) and Back To Mine (2000).
Groove Armada have proved one of the most consistent British dance of acts of recent years.
Listen to 'Superstylin' the best song ever!!
by -Tina- June 28, 2005
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A franchise, beginning in 2002 and ending in 2003, that saw the introduction of the Mini-cons into the Transformers lore.
So basically, Transformers meets Pokemon. The Autobot gotta catch all dem Mini-cons before the Decepticons do.
Eventually all the Transformers have to team up and kill Unicron, but not before Megatron (at that point Galvatron) and Starscream get killed.
ME: Damn dude, haven't you watched Transformers Armada?
ME: Your life is worthless then.
by Boo69Boo69 November 17, 2018
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A combination of the Dutch Rudder and the Circle Jerk, the Dutch Armada is performed when a quorum of men, no less than 3, form a circle and give a Dutch Rudder to the person on his left while receiving one from the person on his right.
This variation on the Dutch Rudder pushes the widely-accepted view of the Dutch Rudder as not gay to the edges of not gayness, because while you are not in fact touching another man's penis, due to the circular nature of the Dutch Armada, you are getting off while watching a man get off. Therefore, those who are familiar with the Armada debate whether it is, in fact, gay.
by Hr.Ms Buffel March 3, 2009
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When your mother / father keep pestering you to eat you vegetables, and continually question you about it, despite the fact that you have told them NO 47 times already.
Mother: If you don't eat your vegetables, you won't get any ice cream afterwards...

Son: I don't give a damn! I don't want to eat my vegetables!

Father: Why don't you want to eat your vegetables?

Son: I just don't want -

Mother: Tell your father why you won't eat your vegetables now!

Son: Bloody hell, ma! What is this, the Spinach Armada?
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A group of 4 or more douchebags
A group of guidos walk into a bar...

Oh man, looks like the douche armada has just arrived.
by xWaRpeDx October 24, 2010
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The man who drives it has this sized cock 8===============================================================================>
Nigger Nissan Armada
by Dickhead6921 November 25, 2021
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Menstration, occurs in females. Also known as the period.
Boy: You've been really bitchy lately.
Girl: ...I'm on my crimson armada..
Boy: That's fucking gross!
by whereisreggie June 18, 2009
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