
Exceptionally intelligent and sweet; beautiful inside and out. Very loyal, especially towards their family and friends. Known to be deeply moving and easy to talk to. Especially good with kids. Can be sassy and wild at times so watch out.
Boy: "I'm so bummed"
Girl: "Why, whats wrong?"
Boy: "I had to put my dog down yesterday"
Girl: "I'll go get the counselor, I think she's an Anin"
by Misz Dimpless May 31, 2011
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Exceptionally intelligent and artistic, gorgeous inside and out. Makes her friends feel important and her family feel special. Known to be deeply capable and able to improvise. Especially good with animals, and loyal to the extreme.
"I am not feeling at all myself today. I shall call Anine."
by Prrrl February 6, 2010
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Anine: The best, most beautiful and kindest girl you will ever meet. She's a girl you'll never let go of. if you're the one dating her. You are lucky. She is someone who can be hurt. But never hurts others. she is the best and cutest girl in the world. You will never find someone like her. So treat her well
- I want someone that i trust.
- i can give you Anine's number
by FirzEU November 17, 2020
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AniNation is youtube channel. However, the channel "AniNation" has severely been harassed by Toei Animation, a company that animates 2d cartoons such as dragon ball and one piece. "AniNation" received 1, not 2, but 3 strikes and was terminated in May 2011. Along the road, "AniNation" created the AniNation7 account but then became inactive due to reasons unknown. Shortly after, "AniNation" created the AniNationReborn account shortly after. AniNation was generally aroused by uploading dragon ball z kai nicktoons edits and 4kids edits onto youtube, with Blue Popo being the most viewed video at the time. After uploading nicktoon edits, AniNation decided to create multiple channels such as AniNationVlogs, which uploads vlogs. (Video Logs) As of August, 2012, AniNation has a total of 1,172,481 video views and a 194 uploads onto youtube. AniNation commonly uploads videos and is still active to this date.
"Yo dog, did you view AniNations videos today?
by The Guy From Youtube August 1, 2012
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Anine is an amazing person.

She is loving and friendly, she can always make you smile. She is stunningly beautiful and her voice is the softest most amazing voice in the world.

If you are ever sad Anine will always make you cheer up.
Anine is has the most beautiful voice.
I have finally met an Anine
by Urban_Addict September 11, 2021
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Very Sexy girl who turns a boy called oliver on. Anine is very tall skinny and has a huge arse and probably a tasty one :) .
Anine turns oliver on so much she i like a light switch for him.
by Oliver :) March 21, 2021
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Using an obscure and inefficient method for doing things when a more widely accepted and generally perceived better tool or method is available. Not to be confused with "asinine".
"I just'd it" "Dude, that is pretty anine."
by Nick Danger February 9, 2005
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