Amero Trash

An American citizen, typically well-educated, who wastes his or her employment opportunities by holding a sub-par job or not working, drinking malt liqueur and claiming moral supremacy to others based on first-hand observation. Amero Trash is typically located in college towns and are strongly affiliated with English departments.
Did you go to your intro English class?
No, too much Amero Trash.
by Dan Fbach April 29, 2008
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An American socialite who is usually college age that spends time hopping back and forth between LA, NYC and Europe, spending other peoples money and rubbing shoulders with European socialites.
“They know everyone… He/she has apartments in Paris, Milan, and LA. Total Amero-Trash.”

“All she does is drink espresso martinis on someone else’s yacht, so Amero-Trash.”
by AMERO-Trash November 24, 2021
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