This is what u call someone if his name is “Fabian
Fabian u r such an Alman”
by niggawithbbc March 19, 2020
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This word is what u call someone when his name is “Fabian
FabiAn u r such an Alman”
by niggawithbbc March 19, 2020
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Altman ist der Ausdruck für eine stereotypisch deutsche Person. Die Alman-Ader beschreibt eine, unter Stress stark pulsierende, Ader über der rechten bzw. linken Schläfe. Hierbei wird “Stress” als undeutsches Verhalten gesehen. Die Alman-Ader pulsiert also, wenn einem Alman illegales oder nicht regelkonformes Verhalten auffällt.
Bruder, die Ader des Almans geht los.
Seine Alman-Ader geht ab.
by AlmanSyndrom December 26, 2019
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A man pretending to be straight but is actually gay. He also is bad at playing Seige and went to Leicester for no reason.
by XxTachankaLordxX February 26, 2018
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Man who falls in love quickly.
He is such a Alman...
Quickly girls run from that Alman... My friend dated a Alman he was so rude...

That Tim is such a sex pest....
That man is annoying he is such a pest he must be a Tim Alman.
by Donchi September 18, 2020
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turkish word for "German"
it is used for stuffy German people
often used by imigrants or anti-patriotistic germans self-mockingly to make fun of germans

post scriptum: i know, only an alman would write an urbandictionary entry about this word
"ein echter alman weiß nicht was ein alman ist"
Translation: a real alman doesn't know what an alman is
by heroqbe January 23, 2017
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