
"You are an Aj."
by JenniferJooniper March 14, 2019
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A great person. He is very handsome. He isn't gay. He takes no shut and is very trustworthy. If AJ is ur friend, u r very lucky. U might not know it, but he will always be there for you
by Sjhhdhdhdh December 21, 2019
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The most diesel person you can ever know..Huge head and bootleg teeth

he is everywhere you go and once you know him you cant get rid of him PERIODT. YOULL SEE AJ FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE..even on a nice car ride you'll see aj on someones licences plate.. Aj is a curse that me and my friends cannot get rid of. :(
"i woke up in the middle of the night and AJ was at my bedside"
"my cat died and her last words to me was *meow* *AJ* *MEOW...*"
"my mom told me to clean up the AJ off the counter but she meant to say OJ"
"so i was in the bathroom minding my business and i look up and AJ is eating warm mayo with a glass of milk above my head"
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Aj (name)

The most perfect person you would ever meet, the most intelligent, most kind, most amazing, most brilliant person you would EVER MEET! I’m telling you he/she is a keeper! A KEEPER! They deserve attention and a happy life. They are perfect in everyway
Aj is perfect in every way
by lizzylemon September 11, 2020
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Aj's are normally so sweet funny nice and loving. Aj's tend to annoy you a lot but you will get used to it. if your boyfriend is Aj then you so lucky and you shouldn't let go of him. Aj's are very loving and will do anything for their girl.
by Girl!?!?!?!? October 23, 2019
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Is a really guy loyal treat ever girl with respect and a great bf but over all hes just a plain dick to everyone else
Guy:hey aj how was your day

Aj:leave me alone

Girl:hey aj how was your day
Aj:it was good
by It'syourboiiskinnypenis October 22, 2019
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Aj is a amazing,loyal,sexy,great fighter,is repectful to girls other than that he's a dick!!!!
Guy:hey aj how was your day
Aj:leave me alone

Girl:hey aj how was your day
Aj:it's was good
by It'syourboiiskinnypenis October 22, 2019
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