(ADJ) The definition of a person who has and/or engages in an affair with an unatainable love.
The afie student kissed her teacher.

You and your afieness.

The afie girl had dreams about her teacher's soulpatch.
by SQUIRMBOB March 8, 2009
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- The opposite of "A fire outside."

- AFI = Best band ever.

- Includes Davey Havok, Jade Puget, Adam Carson, and Hunter.
"Man, that was one good AFI concert!"

"AFI rocks!"
by Mrs. Havok. January 18, 2007
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A Fire Inside. Band made of Davey Havok, Jade Puget, Adam Carson, and Hunter. Many people classify this band as emo, when it really does not fit into any one genre. How can they be emo if they formed before 'emo' was a word? People hate it because their style changed. Well, guess what? No band's style is going to stay the same forever. It's called development. So just go with it and learn to enjoy different types of music, or shut up and leave everyone else alone. No one cares if you don't like the band.
Davey Havok is the vocalist in the band AFI, and Jade Puget is the guitarrist.
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A Fire Inside. Band founded in 1991. As of 2007, composed of Adam Carson, Hunter Burgan, Jade Puget, and Davey Havok. So far, they have released seven albums, and have grown into a more mature sound. The band has a "fan club" called the Despair Faction and has a large following due to their incredible stage presence, music, lifestyle choices, and aesthetics.
Says Jade Puget of AFI, "We've given up on trying to convince people we are or aren't any certain thing."
by Elymas June 14, 2007
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An incredibly versitile band. Some people think that they "sold out" with their last album, Decemberunderground, but they were merely progressing in their music.

Their sound cannot be defined to one "scene".

Unfortunately, many people write them off because they have changed their musical style and developed over the years, or because people think they don't act or look like some say they 'should'. These people are truly missing out on a wonderful musical experience.
AFI? That band that's been around for like...fifteen years? They're still going strong? ((listens)) Dude! They're still awesome!
by Hitome August 31, 2006
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Aye fucking yo, issa pgh thing
Jamal: She for the team Brodie she got like 10 bodies. She got more bodies than my age count.

Chris: Afy🤣
by 412Cro October 24, 2020
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an amazing band that unfortunately as of late has acquired a bunch of posers who try to call themselves fans, after probably only listening to the songs "miss murder" and "the missing frame", having only bought the album decemberunderground to hear those songs and having never heard any of their other albums. chances are those people probably also listen to fall out boy *shudders* go listen to black sails in the sunset! or will it be too much for you lil poser minds??? their shirts have been spotted on preps. AAAAH, don't befoul the name of afi by wearing it on your body NOOOOOOOOO! *dies* davey is a genius. the end : D
wannabe poser-punk prep: like OMG i sooo love afi!
me: i shall consume your soul you worthless piece of shit
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