by PBE29 November 21, 2013
by dangerdanger77 August 24, 2006
Lot Lizard: n. (lott-liz-zurd): trashy, street-level, female prostitutes who frequent some truck-stop parking lots and rest areas at night. Most lot lizards openly "advertise" using CB radios; others boldly walk from truck to truck randomly knocking on doors. Same as: commercial company; lizard; pavement princess; sleeper leaper; mattress maiden;
Truck-stop managers revealed that although they were concerned about increased costs for more fences, razor-wire and additional security personnel, most felt that increased lot lizard concentrations would result in much higher sales of items like bug spray, pepper spray and air fresheners, which might offset some of the cost.
by PF Smith October 23, 2007
by Wonderboy April 22, 2003
by trucking bong September 24, 2003
Truck Stop Prostitute- Male or Female- Predominantly found at truck stops and whose sole intention is to score some trucker lovin' for some quick cash or occcasionally for free depending on the mood
Man, those lot lizards at the Iowa 80 stop have gotten so much better since the economy took a turn for the worse. Thank goodness for the Bush admistration
by N.C.H.A. September 7, 2006
That lot lizard stinks!
by Jaque Mehoff January 3, 2007