Mexican slang.

Literal translation is my testicles but it’s used by men and women.

It can be used as a swear word but also to swear on something that’s a matter of great importance, ranked somewhere between merely promising something and swearing something on your mother as it’s your testicles or the next best thing you’re putting on the line.

As a swear word, it can simply be used to discredit someone who just said something you find silly and hard to believe. In the same sense, the person uttering it is also suggesting to some extent that something is so uncredible that they might as well put their balls on the table.
Mexico is going to win the world cup this time.

Mis huevos.

Think about it: There’s the home advantage and in the last two instances Mexico hosted it didn’t go to a european.

Are you sure?

Mis huevos.

*feigns belief by popping his mouth wide open for an indefinite amount of time as a demonstration of fake astonishment*
by Mrbigglesworth123456 February 2, 2024
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Mexican slang for testicles. There's a new use of this word. It also means "No way"
-Yesterday I bought a brand new Mercedes.

* ¡Huevos!
by Mexicanguy April 14, 2020
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Translation to "deez eggs" in English. Slang for "deez nuts".
"Hey man, what did you get from the store?"

"I got some cheese, bacon, and deez huevos."
by getpornedon January 2, 2022
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