I miss you more everyday

You know my love is here to stay!!
If only I could have my way…
Oh do you hear me pray!!

In my thoughts, you never stray

I try to find the words to say..
If only I could show you… everyday

Then you would understand

This love I try to explain.

I love you!!!!
Always ❤️❤️
by 4-u March 31, 2023
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If you can think of it, then there is an app for that!
"Dude, we should totally have a pokemon collector game for MPK folks."
"Naah, someone probably already built it. Rule 723, dude!"
by paroDgr8 August 9, 2014
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idk some person or youtuber what you want more fine he has romance in his channel AND I AM allergic TO romance it causes think to much and freeze for a day i mean he good youtuber but i just don't watch his romance videos i just see the other types BUT MANY PEOPLE WANNNA SEE HIM REACT TO FNAF VIDEOS AND he does fnaf gmod and fnaf games ok.
by Xman 723 bonnie lover November 23, 2020
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