The area code for Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Representin' the 514
by Sebasti3n October 29, 2005
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What us Asians be saying when we want to die.
Sounds like ”我要死” in Chinese, which means I want to die.
“I gotta do my math homework now, or I’ll never get into Ivy League. 514, adiós chicas

“My mom called me a disgrace to the family. 514”

by Wo Yao Si October 13, 2018
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When you see the numbers “514” momo514 from montreal is trying to reach out to you.
Srab: ugh what time is it?
Theo: 5:14
Srab: omfg i keep seeing 514 !!
Theo: 😯 Momo514 is trying to reach out to you!!
by Meliswag August 1, 2021
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Thursday 7:46 pm May 14th 2020-

Breakup day after 39 hours and 3 minutes
Bruh 514 is the scariest day I swear
by Cursed date June 14, 2021
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514 is the 5th letter, 1st letter and 4th letter of the Alphabet. It represents EAD aka Eat A Dick. Slick way to get by expressing your feelings towards someone without them knowing.
That dude is a tool. He can 514
by bananapeel2011 June 2, 2024
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