The best people were born on this day
"When were you born"
"March 27th"
"No wonder your the best!"
by Angvil October 17, 2019
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Guys give girls there hoodie for 1 day. on October 27th girls get a guys hoodie that they HAVE TO wear the entire day. Boys Do it or u got a wittle itty bitty teeny tiny baby dick.
Brian gimme ur F***ING hoodie its October 27th and its chilly
by MiNeCrAfT.GoD69 October 18, 2019
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The birthday of the best god damn bass player in the entire god world.
by Heusg October 16, 2019
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The most beautiful and talented people were born this day. If you are one of these people, congrats!! You are the definition of perfection.
- I was born in February 27th.

- Whaaaat???? You are the most amazing person ive met!!!
by coketastelikeshit October 15, 2019
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National Eat Another Person’s Food Day
Jeff: It’s September 27th bro
by bobbyjeffjr September 26, 2018
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Don’t give a shit day, this day is were u can drop all drama and live life!!! And stop all bullshit.
“March 27th is the day we’re you

drop drama, and love life and stop all the bullshit!”
by Zoe the clown :)) October 22, 2019
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It’s national take your girl on a spooky date
Person 1: hey it’s October 27th
Person 2: yeah! We should go on a spooky date
by Cute patootie October 28, 2019
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