1 September

Today is a lucky day, (1 September), Jungkook DAY!
by wooohooojjk July 31, 2021
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September 1

People born on this day are extremely talented, passionate but the biggest crackheads you'll ever meet. They'll fite for you but don't mess with them bc they are most likely to know karate and whoop yo ass.
P1: Dudee they're good ate everything
P2: they must be born on September 1st
by HEBXKNSKD October 18, 2019
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September 1

National Grab ass day

Walk up to the hommies and grab that big thick ass boi
Damn your ass in them Jean on September 1 lemme grab that ass
by Thicc poppi August 31, 2021
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September 1

The day when God blessed a human being with pure perfection, made with kindness, love, beauty, intelligence, strength, and talent, and named him Jeon Jungkook.
Imagine being born on September 1 and being as beautiful as Jungkook at the same time.
by agustdmochi October 18, 2019
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September 1

People born on September first are the most hyper in the friend group
September 1
by A-___girl March 1, 2020
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September 1

September 1 is a day were really beautiful and great singing people are born.
Have you herd of Jungkook his gorgeous and he sings really. That other girl who has a beautiful voice but only has a tiny amount of subscribers on youtube, what's her name, oh yeah Zari_G. yeah there totally September 1 babys.
by Sunshine0901 October 26, 2019
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