This character is the Basmala which is the widest Unicode character. It means "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."

According to a Reddit user who has now deleted their account: “It's an Arabic ligature commonly used in Urdu. It was added so someone using an Urdu keyboard can type it easier.”
by nlolhere September 13, 2020
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BismillahiRahmaniRahim or ﷽
A Common Arabic Phrase which translates to: "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".
This is condensed into a single Unicode character for ease of use in typing, as this is a very common phrase in Arabic.
This is also commonly used to spam because it only counts as one character. (Ex: Pasting this 25 times, instead of 25 letters.)
Additionally, this phrase is recited before reciting a surah of the Quran, doing daily tasks, and sometimes even out of fear or habit.
I set my discord username to "﷽﷽﷽"
Am I cool now???? What's Islam???
by CAUTLONED July 9, 2022
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"In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful" in Arabic
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The longest unnicode character. Idk what else to say about it.
I setted my Discord username to 32 times "﷽", and now when i say a message others have to scroll to the bottom of the chat just to see my message.
by kevidryon2 June 18, 2021
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