by dashy99993 April 3, 2020
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by Nyan dog September 21, 2020
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"⠀" is a common error occured in "Microsoft Teams" and Microsoft Word". The "⠀" will replace the rest of the sentance if there is a error with loading/saving the file.
"Good Morning! I want to show how to comple⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" See. The "⠀" replaced the rest of the sentance.
by MicrosoftEmployee February 1, 2021
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This legendary relic allows you to stretch the limits of reality.
space ⠀ ⠀bar
by ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ November 4, 2019
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Empty Braille Cell - used to make empty text.
Jake: Hi
Bob: ⠀
Jake: What?
by AverageRedditor November 27, 2020
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