Handsome af, toxic, weird. Is a hacker, attracts both genders. Likes to be mysterious. ♐︎ overthinks, gets involved in shit, thinks this life is just strange, stays up all night getting high. Don’t bother asking how ♐︎ is pronounced.

Person: Hey who are u

♐︎ : ♐︎
Person: Huh ?

♐︎ : dw bout it

Person: ok but damnn u hot
♐︎ Walks away into the distance & returns like nothing happened

♐︎: choke me

Person: tf

♐︎: I wanna feel pain
by daneya March 18, 2021
Get the ♐︎ mug.
When you are THAT bored you type all of the characters on the keyboard, but in Wingdings.
Guy 1: I'm bored

Guy 2: Type "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"

Guy 1: Did that.

Guy 2: Type "asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop"

Guy 1: Did that as well..

Guy 2: Type "`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qwertyuiop{}\|asdfghjkl;:'"zxcvbnm,<.>/?"

Guy 1: Done that.

Guy 2: Type "♊︎❞︎📂︎✏︎📄︎@🗏︎✁︎🗐︎👓︎🗄︎🕭︎⌛︎♈︎🖮︎🕮︎🖰︎🖂︎🖲︎🕿︎📁︎✆︎📫︎♉︎🖬︎🖃︎❑︎⬥︎♏︎❒︎⧫︎⍓︎◆︎♓︎□︎◻︎☯︎❀︎☸︎❝︎ॐ︎✿︎♋︎⬧︎♎︎♐︎♑︎♒︎🙰🙵●︎🖴︎🖳︎🕯︎✂︎⌘︎⌧︎♍︎❖︎♌︎■︎❍︎📪︎🖫︎📬︎✇︎📭︎✍︎"

Guy 1: Okay
by brolemmepickadamnpseudonym September 20, 2022
Get the ♊︎❞︎📂︎✏︎📄︎@🗏︎✁︎🗐︎👓︎🗄︎🕭︎⌛︎♈︎🖮︎🕮︎🖰︎🖂︎🖲︎🕿︎📁︎✆︎📫︎♉︎🖬︎🖃︎❑︎⬥︎♏︎❒︎⧫︎⍓︎◆︎♓︎□︎◻︎☯︎❀︎☸︎❝︎ॐ︎✿︎♋︎⬧︎♎︎♐︎♑︎♒︎🙰🙵●︎🖴︎🖳︎🕯︎✂︎⌘︎⌧︎♍︎❖︎♌︎■︎❍︎📪︎🖫︎📬︎✇︎📭︎✍︎ mug.