Good job. Not sure how you've made it this far without just... I don't know, going outside? Talking to friends?
by noper doodle December 3, 2020
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A common sentence from the language of 1337.
It says: I can speak in leet im just that pro.
Used by n00bs who want to show off their "1337ness"
n00b: 1 4|\/| 1337
someone: What?...
n00b: 1 (4|\| $|?34|( 1|\| 1337 1|\/| _||_|$7 74|-|7 |?P\0
Get the 1 (4|\| $|?34|( 1|\| 1337 1|\/| _||_|$7 74|-|7 |?P\0 mug.
You have gone too far. You have searched all the weird keyboard combinations. Go back. Be happy. Do something with your life.
Oh god, I have gone too far; I searched a1zqs2xwd3cef4vrg5bth6nyj7muk8,il9.o;0/p'-=\. I need do something before my boredom fully consumes me.
by dfcnrwjcbopabjbakljhgfh July 12, 2021
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you've managed to go beyond the dimensions of normal boredom and have ascended to a higher place of a lack of activity.

you've typed in all the other ones.

but now.
today is the day.
you go backwards.
i have reached such a transcendent state of mind that i will break the conventions of boredom: /p;0.ol9,ik8muj7nyh6btg5vrf4ced3xws2zqa1. - you
by tapwater788 February 16, 2022
Get the /p;0.ol9,ik8muj7nyh6btg5vrf4ced3xws2zqa1 mug.