'BOOP BOOP' what you say when you are excited about something or happy to see someone for example as a greeting
'We go on holiday on Monday 'BOOP BOOP'
by BOOP BOOPER September 25, 2006
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That sound a cell phone makes when another cell phone hangs up. Similar to Click.
*phone rings*
Mo: "Hey!"
Jesus: "What's up?"

Jason: "Sorry gotta run, call me later!"
*boop boop boop*
by thorpls July 16, 2015
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What a cute ass Raven named Fable says when she wants to show affection.

Similar to Wa and Wow!
Boop boop
“Boop boop”
by Breezeblock August 4, 2020
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Usually used when African American females describe a fight.
"I grabbed her by her hair and went boop boop
by Trin.trin101 June 28, 2016
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Affectionately poking someone on the nose, often accompanied by saying "Boop!"
Nora casually booped Ren on the nose when they met up.
by Agent_Verse December 9, 2016
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to pop a couple prescription pills...
if someone says "let me get some boop-boops"...it means give me some pills...or "i need to get me some boop-boops" means: to get basically any good presciption pills...(i.e.) vicodin, valuim, morphine, oxys, somas, adderall...u kno!
by 925, Aaron, or 92fizzle July 3, 2006
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A boop, or nose bump, is a common way for doggos to greet, show amazement, show friendship, or playfulness.
Doggo 1: *boop*
Doggo 2: *boop*
by pluey200 June 14, 2017
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