Faith is a jaw dropping girl. She is so incredibly beautiful and talented. she dose not accept it though. She brings a smile to my face every time i see her and i wish i could do the same for her. She denies any compliment we give her saying she is the exact opposite. Its kinda disappointing because she dose not realize how amazing she is but i guess that's also a good thing because that means she's always pushing herself to be better. i don't even see how this is possible. how can she get even better? because you are perfect to me faith and you always will be no matter what. I love you faith.
by gui9999 March 6, 2017
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Friend 1: Did you hear Faith Bradley got with Jake!
Friend 2: Ik!
by acelibateho February 12, 2022
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Hi! I'm Faith Landy, nice to meet you. I'd like to say that I am very friendly and artistic (even though I kind of suck ). My favorite game is Undertale. My least favorite game is Fortnite. ( pls dont h8 meh ) I have many friends and maybe you can be one of them! Bye! :3
When Faith Landy waltzed into the room, everybody fell silent. ( And she DaBEd oN thE H8ters )
by lol666slime November 13, 2019
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Changing one religious ideology for a different one.
I was a devout Muslim but now I had a Faith Lift and now I am a Buddhist.
by Tobar the 8th man April 5, 2021
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Mia is a girl who us really sassy and is a good friend but always .
by RaeRaeShelton March 12, 2019
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•The act of receiving dick all the while your nigga is faithful.
•Loyal Penetration
Girl, I got some faithful dick last night !
The only thing thT will make you feel better in life is faithful dick
by Thecreator I June 6, 2017
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Evie has a good heart. She’s pure, innocent, yet tends to let her anxiety and unwanted thoughts get to her. You’re not too emotional, you’re not too sensitive. You’re kind, you’re genuine, you’re a good friend. You’re a good person. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not. You are a beautiful, and unforgettable soul.
Evie faith, she’s a friend of a lifetime. I miss her but I can never tell her that.
by Veronica Doof. November 23, 2021
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