A way to describe the situation when your friends flake on you. If your friend is being frosty you are being frosted.
I got frosted by my girl last night. She totally flaked on me. I waited for her at the restaurant for 45 minutes. She never showed up. Said her cat died. She doesn't even have a cat. She is hella frosty.
by mwein99 July 3, 2019
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Taylor: “she’s ate 5 edibles!”
Sarah: “and she drank a quarter bottle of vodka.” Taylor: “she must be frosted
by Urbanwhore April 6, 2021
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frosting top is an adjective used to describe when a persons flab hangs over their pants, but it is not quite as sever as a muffin top
That girl needs to pull her shirt down and cover up that frosting top !
by acoustic73 July 6, 2009
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A Lemon frosting is a type of donut from “Dunkin Donuts”. They are only boight and consumer by virgins who will never have anything close to a sexual encounter in their lifetime.
Person 1: What donut did Louis Get?

Person 2: He got a Virgin Donut.

Person 1: What’s that?

Person 2: It’s a Lemon Frosting.
by umm im literally a minor January 29, 2022
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An type of attack of a pokemon formed by

giratina VSTAR,kyurem VMAX,Charizard VMAX would have if it existed.
Name : kyuzatina VMAX
kyuzatina: Wild frost requiem attack!!!!
Skutank: oh...................I'm gone.
by TheCheapDictonary February 16, 2023
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when a woman farts after being ejaculated in and the gas travels through her labia, creating a moist queef
“Hey man, how was sex with that girl from the Post Office?”
“It was nice, but after she farted and gave me a frosted chocolate chip cookie.”
by ddlovato April 23, 2023
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Frosted milk rusk is made with a hundred percent hi hello made in booty cheeks conditioned with cream and busssing butter uhhhhhhhhhh
My daddy applied frosted milk rusk on the horses but cheeks
by Booty guy March 30, 2021
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