Describes the obsession a racer may contract after driving on the Nürburgring in Germany. 'Ring flu is characterized by the irresistible desire to drive on the track, even if one is hundreds of miles away from it.
Friend #1: "Do you think Jon is ever going to quit? He's already done ten laps today!"
Friend #2: "No, I think he's got 'ring flu."
Friend #1: "Yeah, I thought so."
by TheAutobahnBurner November 14, 2009
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dirty kent island kids that choose to live in butterfish cove, ocean city for the summer then they all get sick
dude jake’s house gave me butterfish flu
by poopylolgohoe June 12, 2023
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COVID 19 specifically as experienced by those who advocate against masks and vaccines.
Bill refused to wear a mask, then died from the Republican flu.
by Silas Hawthorn September 9, 2021
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When you've been on the sniff all weekend causing you to have the sniffles that last more than 2 days
Frank: "boh! Feel more bunged up than Charlie sheen! Sesh flu can fuck clean off
by Seshflu September 3, 2021
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A flu that turns you green and makes your nose grow eventually turning you into an alligator.
"Did you hear that carl has the alligator flu? There's no hope for him!

At least I'll get a new pair of boots from him."
by Wonderbox32 May 10, 2016
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Beaver Flu is just another name for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
"Man, that trick gave me the beaver flu."
by High Pitch November 9, 2006
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When the party is over and you wake up sick, broke, with nothing left until payday and jones or become irritable.
Don't mind Bob, He's got the bag gone flu.
by Chief Floppydisk July 21, 2015
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