A person of whom tends to go out one night per weekend and attacks people for not going out. Tends to end up at Hotel Bondi until 4am with his dick in his hands.
That Josh Brown is such a One Night Warrior.
by sussybakaa29 March 12, 2022
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An irrationally biased and narrow-viewed blog writer, typically unable to articulate the fundamental premises of multi-faceted arguments or opposing views. Prone to repeating a single point of (often mistaken) drivel by way of meaningless mantra repetitions.
One who offers no significant input into a public debate, though emitting a distracting noise; the subject of public scorn and social rejection.
idiot moron racist anti-noonie mouse One-Solution One-Solution Commentator
by Expat Georgia April 22, 2009
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I heard she ' done one ' on him.
Joe suddenly done one, and was gone.
by sipsipsoodo June 30, 2013
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To pull something real fast.

This references the Scout, in team fortress 2, who has a 33% increase in speed, so he is faster than everyone
Girl: “You... were done real fast.”
Boy: “See, I pulled a scouty one on ya.”
Girl: “We are through.”
by LilNibbaVat September 18, 2019
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(Predicate.) Smurf Smurf Smurf hours. Flirt flirt and this clerk clerk know you’re actually say were no purple socks Yolo. yo dumb
Her: OK so I have it I don’t know if I can Rambo. OK sucking cock is the most inconvenient thing in the entire world you see if I can psych. Like nobody should ever do that it’s smelly, stinky, and juicy wet cock being her bag.

Him: I would say the N-word. Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now
by KG&GB May 19, 2021
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