This is a term given to people who are often abnormally tall and will, without question, eat anything. This can be anything from leftovers to jars of brine.

They have a strange tendency to wear sunglasses indoors in a futile attempt to cover up the damage of the previous evening, often spent with short chavs.

The sister term, 'bellend', which summarises the above, is sometimes used when time is of the essence, or to finish off a sentence which already includes the term, Big Fat Wanker Dyke
"Look at that Big Fat Wanker Dyke eating everyone's leftovers and drinking that brine from the finished olive jar, what a total bellend."

"I know. It's a good job she's wearing her sun glasses indoors though, otherwise she'd look proper hanging. No doubt was with that short chav again!"
by J Bizzness Time August 18, 2011
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I would use my little finger, but I like using cock' s more than a true fag ever could; say' s the cock dyke!
by Mm good December 13, 2020
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I would use my little finger, but I like using cock' s more than a true fag ever could; say' s the cock dyke!
by Mm good December 13, 2020
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A Dyke(butch lesbian/transvestite female) who is pregnant. Tyke, as in child, or baby, in a manly female.
"Wow, I totally thought that was a beer gut, but I guess it was a Tyke in a Dyke."
by DYKEATTACK September 25, 2012
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A small fucking wall - you noobs ,get it right bro

(NOT a slur if your a proper scot bitches)
I drove my car into my neighbours dyke 😐
by Not secure 🤪 June 9, 2021
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person: "are u gay?"
me: "yeah, I'm a dyke"

person 1: "she wears beanies, flannels and vans, do you think she's,, you know,,,"
lesbian (or other person who has slur pass): "a dyke? yeah, definitely."
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average height , pale girl, with almost white very short hair , glasses and bomb ass makeup skills
Person 1: if you were to look up dyke on google you'd find a picture of me
by CrackheadEnergy420 December 15, 2019
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