(sl.) getting rekt by insane rng. Usually used when a babbling book is involved, winning you the hearthstone tournament.
Oh damn, im being pavelled!

AmnesiaSC got pavelled twice in a row
by BugInAPipe November 21, 2016
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1 telling your friends u going beat that person ass but not on nothing in person

2 trying to get people to feel bad for u even tho u know u a pussy and was starting stuff

3 got beat up before and thinking u won
by Mialea June 12, 2022
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Generally being a bit of a wanker.
Dude, that Kevin's being such a Doyle!
Yeah, he a real tosser, bro.
by Pinkandfluffy November 12, 2019
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should include the word being defined is the worst
just let me define a damn word
guy 1: should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined

should include the word being defined

:guy 2 should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
should include the word being defined
by nedlmous April 17, 2023
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acting like you have a foot up your ass and not having fun with others
Chris is being a benson, he wont sing the FUN song
by meboku December 29, 2022
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