Often used to describe a villain like evil laughter in a text format. Basically an upgraded version of an *Laughs in Evil*.

See also (*Laughs in Evil*) or (*Evil Laughter*)
Hero: What's wrong with you! You just killed an entire planet full of innocent people.

Villian: Welcome to the cold hard truth of reality. *Tyranically laughs*
by Tyrant: May 3, 2021
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When you wake up and the first thing you do is go on urbandictionary for word of the day, the best alternative ritual to your daily news readings to make you laugh.
Person 1:" Man the news is full of bad apples."
Person 2: " You should try to Wake-and-laugh, go on urbandictionary for word of the day as soon as you wake up."
by Capuchin for Hire April 9, 2022
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The opposite of not funny did laugh if someone says this to you then you're basically a god you can flex on bill the guy who is so unfunny that your ass cheeks are so tight that not even a gay man can get in
Clown: Why don't scientists trust atoms
Laugher at anything: Why?
Laugher at anything: Funny, Did laugh
by Wap=Waffleandpancakes June 17, 2023
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Something's too funny that I laughed until almost dead
The way Tommy explained the concept of Linked List (Computer Science term) with "Human Centipede" laugh die me.
by alandragonjuice October 16, 2017
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When your fucking a girl and you come on her face you go to the bathroom right quick then shave a good chunk of pubes sneak up behind her yank her hair and when she turns around and yells at you you throw the pubes so they stick to her face like fur on a gorrila....
Let's do a laughing gorilla tonight babe.
by Stevejobsownsapc January 16, 2018
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A very VERY sexy duck, his sexiness is too sexy for anyone
Hello BABY! Can i have some of dat laughing duck?
by Sookaleedoda January 23, 2009
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