A woman, of any age that is pleasuring herself via masturbation. She can be using a sex toy or her fingers in this act.
Carol was so busy spanking the lady monkey she didn’t notice she’d spilled her margarita all over the bed.
by Old crazy momma November 11, 2020
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When you spank someone so hard they immediately ejaculate all over the ceiling or floor (depending on which way they’re bent over).
Example 1: I spent all day cleaning my ceiling after I hanky spanked Vanessa and Leroy last night. It straight up smelled like salty fish and swamp water.

Example 2: Kimberly enjoyed being hanky spanned so much, their ceiling starting growing black mold from the excessive moisture.

Example 3: “Dude how did you break your wrist?”
“I hanky spanked Kyle on the kitchen floor last night and slipped on his cum making a sandwich at 2am.”
by doctordual639 June 23, 2021
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A trashy hood rat, could be the project's could be a trailer park.
Look at that "Gutter-spank ham" riding by on her bike.
by Hooknbook September 15, 2020
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Omg , I'm so desperate! Is there anywhere I could spank my granny in here?
by IBanana03 May 7, 2018
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The thought that someone is such a waste of good oxygen that their father should have “rubbed out” that particular graduating class of new sperm, thereby saving the world with the flick of his wrist.
Trump is such a shitgibbon! His father would have done humanity a huge favor if he had just spanked into oblivion that draft dodging-bone spur having entitled douchebag!
by Mynameisntshmuley January 4, 2021
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Have sex with an older woman, while slipping her ass.
Sadly know I have 2 COUNT THEM 2 spanks set up for tomorrow as long as I play the game right. I just need to spank a cougar.
by dirtydimer69 November 12, 2019
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When you get an item of food out of the cupboard and hit it against your significant others behind while in the kitchen
I gave “jasmine the great British food spank the other night while she was washing up, she was pissed”!
by Therealslimbaby November 20, 2022
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