rounds wrld is the Best Packer/COD Player/2K Player W Mans NGL
rounds wrld is a demon
by Remember Dreamms August 23, 2021
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a game where you "stupidly, horribly, and idiotically" describe the prompt you pick, and if you guess it you get horny points. If you win you get to fuck Ms. Bubbles for no charge. WARNING: Has a high chance for dick to drown in water.
Blather 'Round is fun
by quartz89 February 2, 2022
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(n) A term used for the purchase of a night at the brothel for a group of friends
Jim's fiancé found out about the Round Of Claps during his bachelor party!
by emefkay January 6, 2010
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The Multi-cultural Merry-go-Round is when a guy sits in the center of your local kindergarten playground's merry-go-round while one of each female race stands around the circle naked and bends over ass facing inwards. The merry-go-round is then spun, which gives the man in the center a 360 degree view of all the asses around the world.
"Dude, my girlfriend let me ride the multi-cultural merry-go-round last night and I've never been the same!"
by Binkinater November 15, 2018
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Sperm, live sperm. Used when a very young or an old man can get a woman pregnant.
He had a kid when he was 70? The mad lad was still shooting live rounds.
by DRousseau November 27, 2022
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One more round of drinks at a bar/pub because you dont have to drive.
Hey Kevin, you don't need another drink, you can barely stand.

Kevin: "it's ok, I'm having my Uber round.
Friend: Party on then, Kevin
by Cupist January 16, 2018
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