A alarmingly white Caucasian teen who has very blond hair. Most often a white boy masturbates frequently and is awkwardly nerdy. White boys see little to no sun and are afraid of girls. Sometimes white boys pretend to be gay in public to make a silence breaking joke. So remember, don't hesitate to call that white kid down the street "White Boy".
"Dude, Shaun is such a White Boy!"

"I know, he glows at night and cracks a gay impersonation all the time.
by WondrousMango February 11, 2011
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Some one who is white and acts like a gangster and acts like there from the hood
by Patrick was a great August 20, 2019
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Any age white male is refered to as a white boy. A typical white boy is just white and skinny.
by Martisha May 7, 2018
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A male teenager of Caucasian race, of whom which, will flirt where it is not wanted and act like a dick when you reject him (mainly over texting.)
Girl: "I'm going to take a shower. Brb."
White boy: "What would you do if I was there(;"
Girl: "Call the cops, omfg, stop being such a White Boy."
by StreetStyleKitten January 15, 2015
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"White boy" is commonly used for an upset Caucasian male. They are usually angry and "edgy"

You might want to be careful around them. They can attack.
"The white boy punched a wall."

"The white boy told the woman to cook and clean."
"The white boy yelled at his teacher.'
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Defining or describing the typical European or White Male of European Descent. Can be used to identify a White Male and can be used as a term of endearment. White Boy, or being called White Boy can have either negative or positive implications. White Boy's are normally pale, withdrawn and conscientious.
Example one, White Boy in a restaurant in a predominately non-White area where Asians identify him:

Asian Guy 1: "He's far away from his home"
Asian Guy 2: "Who?"
Asian Guy 1: "The White Boy over there"

Example two, White Boy walking along the road in the evening and notices the "glow" of his hue:

White Boy: "I'm a white boy"

(Believe me I've done that myself)

Example Three, White Boy finishing work and making way to local station with non-White colleagues:

Asian Colleague: "What you having for dinner tonight White Boy"
White Boy: "Not sure, perhaps Cobbler or chips"
by Mr. Gira December 1, 2011
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An American boy that is rude as hell or thinks he is the shit. Always has something rude to say or is nice but a creep. Often confused to be of European ethnicity but they ain’t so....🖕🏽🖕🏽
by SIRG GTD April 4, 2018
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