Ottawa Senators are a team in the National Hockey League. Whenever they are losing, or in a tight spot, they play dirty and instigate fights.
Quite often, one can equate Ottawa Senator to cry-baby, whiner and/or spoiled brat.
Stop being such an Ottawa Senator, you can't win all the time.
by TheSock58 October 7, 2009
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Somebody whom shouldn't have a second term.
republican senator1(nonimpersonationstyle): I like russia, I like watergate. I want to control you.
by georgia mannnnn February 14, 2021
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The United States Senate was formerly the upper chamber of the United States Congress, which, along with the United States House of Representatives comprises the legislature of the United States. It died on January 31, 2020, when senators from the Republican Party refused to stand up to a corrupt autocrat calling himself the President of the United States, refusing to hear testimony that the individual blackmailed Ukraine in order to cheat in the 2020 presidential election.
The U.S. Senate, run by The Grim Reaper, Moscow Mitch, is where all the House bills go to die.
by Fluthy February 3, 2020
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any new senator ex. jeff addler is a freshman senator
by Stanzz September 27, 2006
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A little green midget. He loves to run over kids in his 2001 Honda Civic. He also loves doing obscene amounts of ketamine and using racial slurs towards Minorities. He was arrested in 2019 for performing a mass shooting at the Los Angeles convention center. In prison, Yoda gravely injured his penis with a rock in an attempt to get himself off. Recently though, he has become the senator of Iowa. He said that "eliminate all undesirables, I will".
Person one: have you heard what senator Yoda did the other day?
Person two: yeah, those Furries didn't stand a chance.
by PonianYoutube June 22, 2022
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A booty bandit, a cock commander, and a dick demander.
Look at the that fool talkin' loud and citin' The economist, he must be a senator nasty.
by bizboy February 3, 2010
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The less-than-enthralling John Kerry.
Senator Nuance and his running-mate, the Breck Girl, are coming to town.
by David G. Epstein August 10, 2004
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