Something that can become very good and turn out to be the best thing ever, or something that can go really wrong. When it comes to gold diggers, they are people you should be careful of when it comes to money and manipulation. When it comes to rejection, guys are generally the people who need to worry about it. Girls ask guys out more than girls propose though, however this can create a disadvantage for the female. If she wants to get engaged it is still mainly not up to her, but she can baby trap her bf, which is not a good thing. Rejection, manipulation, heartbreaks when it comes to cheating and dumping, and the worst, dating abuse, are the worst things. Love, happiness, marriage, and children are the best thing when it comes to the positivity of dating. Bad things can still happen when two people are married. It comes to divorce, which is another topic. The best outcome of dating is that 2 people meet, have a good relationship, the girl is not a manipulative cheating gold digger and the guy is not abusive or a cheating a**hole, and the 2 get engaged, and then they have a happy relationship and marriage, with or without children. In a good relationship, when the female gets pregnant, the guy stays by her side and supports her, and in a bad relationship, the guy leaves the girl. See, dating can turn out to be an amazing life changing experience or a traumatizing experience.
Ok so I asked a girl out, she said yes, and now we are dating. On the date, we split the bill 50% and I will never forget the date.
by Avocado2004 April 11, 2021
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See first definition.

It is also a very sweet fruit, originally grown in the Middle East. It is high in simple sugars and it is actually good for your health if eaten everyday. This fruit grows on certain palm trees.
boy1: "Wow, I took Cindy out on a date ... guess what we had for a snack?"

boy2: "Uhh, I dunno.... coffee?"

boy1: "NO dude, we had some dates. She loved them so much, she gave me a blowjob."
by Taiksays April 29, 2007
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(verb) - Having your cake and your cookies and a buffet and McDonald's and a large soft drink too. (MUV version)
When you bring multiple dates to the same party it's called dating.
by PepperLoveStone March 5, 2012
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Another word to describe fucking.
"So who are you dating?"

"You know half the guys on campus." "And you?"

"Oh some guy I picked up at the dry cleaners"
by Brother Al JW March 24, 2008
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Time Date: A day, week, month or year
Love Date: A time when you go some where with your loved one or a crush
Fruit: A dried piece of fruit found on trees it's very sweet, a great substitute for candy
Girl/Guy: A person that you date
Time: my birth date's 4/19/1990.
Love: My date last night was so hot.
Fruit: I have a sweet tooth but I'm on a diet, oh date's are sweet and healthy.
Dude/Gal: my date's so great with small kid's he/she baby sits💞
by Stella bulton February 20, 2016
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