Rudy is gay as fuck , but he can kick your ass with a single punch
by Dennisrodman91 March 3, 2016
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a nerd who fancys girls he just cant have
look at him, hes such a rudi
by pot noodle October 23, 2005
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A fucking ginger haired faggot always wears a hat because he got a haircut what looks like the hairdresser looked like she had artharitus

Here are some quotes some people will often say about a Rudy :

Look at that fat cunt walking across the road with his fucking New York giants hat what a fucking prick
Eg : look at that fat fucking prick Rudy wearing his fucking New York giants hat even though he doesn’t even support American football
by Tjfinn2006 January 7, 2019
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Someone who wears tracksuit/trousers bottoms low and wears new era hats, possibly with their hoods up.
Constantly distrupts classes, kind of like a wasteman.
Cant seem to shut up, when in a group sounds like a pack of monkeys.
''look at these rudies....''
''Why do rudies sit at the back of the bus?''
by Jun ki January 11, 2008
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