When an over-weight woman places her fat rolls on the mans penis and proceeds to jack him off with her fat rolls.
Dude, I just got a rolly polly by that fat bitch on our hall.
by Jobinhammer101 December 3, 2009
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A chick so short that it makes you wanna put her in your pocket and carry her around with you everywhere you go. (Named for the Mattel toy sold in the 90s.)

Specifications: attractiveness, non-dwarf/midget, vagina
Yo, I met this shorty the other day that was so fuckin cute and small that I just wanted to pick her up and drop her into my pocket.

So you met a Polly Pocket. Yeah, I could use me one of those.
by Syracuse JOHNSON December 14, 2009
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A girl that barely uttereth a word, frigid sexually, generally devoid of half decent conversation. (Polly Skelton is a real person, i'm just using this word now to describe frigid girls) >_<
"Its like pulling teeth talking to that wee tart, shes a Polly Skelton."

"That was a fuckin' disaster, that bird i met was an awkward fucker, shes a Polly"

'Percy': "So... what sort of things are you into, Polly?"

Polly: "ummmm....Music."

'Percy': "Oh right, any favourite bands?"

Polly: "ummm...Enter Shikari...Aphex twin."

'Percy': Niceone....
by The King of NooNarnia August 23, 2008
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A person who does ecstacy, or is on ecstacy
D: I was rolling so hard last night!
Me: I know! you were a little rollie pollie.
by rolliepollie3 March 4, 2009
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The product of a dislodged dingleberry rolling around in ones undergarments or down their pant leg, very similar to the insect from which it derives its name.
Hold up, I need to make an adjustment. I have a rollie pollie creepin' around near my skidmark.
by Derp McDerpington November 2, 2011
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Fucking hell Nina stop being such a positive polly and heightening my expectations
by Conan December 28, 2017
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Generic nickname for referring to an easy-to-satisfy lady with non-lofty expectations and inexpensive tastes.
Dating a "Polly Esther" may indeed be easy on both your wallet and your physical/emotional well-being, but she may also tend to be a "Plain Jane" --- i.e., not overly attractive, unrefined, "shallow", boring, etc.
by QuacksO April 27, 2022
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