A conversation or group meeting involving fat doinks. Very important chats created by none other than the man the myth, the legend, Joseph Urban.
Are you ready for a doink chat tonight?

Don’t sleep on this doink chat!!
by Hackerboy69 February 3, 2018
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London slang for talking nonsense, or speaking of something about which you have no clear understanding.
"Bingly bongly boo. Snippety-snappety-blarg. Goo ferplunk moo-ha ha ha."
"Man, don't chat breeze."
by Bonny lad November 11, 2004
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Chatting macca is the equivalent of chatting shit or not telling the truth
“John said he pulled a 10 last night”
“Nahhhh, can’t be. He’s chatting macca”
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An online pedofile, See King-Of-Chat. Also known as "Jamaling."
"Kids, watch out for a Prince-Of-Chat in chatrooms devoted to legal topics."
by Jamal-the-Small April 15, 2008
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When 'something' or 'someone' is annoying, stupid, bad
"Hey, did you hear that Sam cheated on Julie?"
"Oh my god, that is so chat!"
by mandy b September 15, 2005
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When finishing an opponent in Hearthstone, assume that every card costs 0 mana, opponent has no taunts or secrets, all spells and abilities can hit face, all minions have charge and immune to silence/freeze, and that arithmetically 2+2=9.
Retard #2: "wtf why hit senjin and not wrath+starfall face?"
Guy #1: "he only had 3 mana... chat lethal"
Retard #4: "have you noticed children's pee smells like turnips?"
by Ryaii February 27, 2014
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