A nonce is a pedophile it’s used as an insult and it is when an older person does stuff to the younger one
Man: hey children

Children: YOUR A NONCE !!
Man: come and get in my white van and I’ll show u my puppy

Children : ok but are u a pedophile
Man: no I’m not but I like little children touching me sexually
by Obese polar bear May 27, 2019
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Padr is a nonce.
Wajeed is a big nonce.
by WajeedTehGamer September 10, 2019
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Rahul is a nonce who watches your children
Yo jacob I think a wild Rahul is watching your children

man hes such a nonce
by amsg March 20, 2019
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A person who likes children in a sexual way.
You are a fucking nonce for raping a 5 year old through his arsehole.
by Char SIo Bao November 3, 2022
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1.british slang for a pedophile.
2. used as an expression word to demonstrate annoyance or anger.
1.that tom guy is a nonce
2. YOU NONCE. sorry for doing that.
by smashabaddie2019 May 18, 2021
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