1. v. The act of having been invited to hang out at someone's house and when you arrive at the house the person who invited you ends up wanting to go to an undesirable location(i.e. Hick bar, or Electro Club).
I just got here and now you want to go studio 54?!? Man I knew I was getting K-nabbed!!! I'm going home!
by Germanismyynamedamn July 20, 2005
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Acronym for "No Ass Boy". Commonly used to refer to young males of asian descent.
Marc is a total nab.
by crankmaster9000 April 3, 2003
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a rule to reject someone from taking part in some activity based on a lack of competence. (it's a joke)
Johnny: I can't log on, anyone else having trouble?
Billy: The nab rule's effect tonight.
by X___r September 24, 2010
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To physically attack someone, in self defense or out of anger
If he doesn't stop harassing me, I am going to kick a nab on him!
by Lo Tee June 1, 2022
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Nab-a-Dab is the routine of a weed oil or shatter-dabber who does it daily and before anything at all, going to cook? Nab-a-dab. Moms told you to take the trash out? Nab-a-dab. ‘Bout to leave to work, nab-a-dab!
1: “Yoooo lets roll we gotta get to the game...”.

Too : “Alright I’m ready let’s roll but imma nab-a-dab first man my nerves are eight-sided, chill.....30 seconds bro”

(Dabs, gets a nice calm squint, smiles, goes)

That’s a Nab-A-Dab. May also become a little convenience station in a dispensary too.
by Treebonics January 25, 2019
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when one fag hag intentionally attempts to steal the affections of anothers fag.
B-Rug: I was talking to my girlfriend and she said she wanted to fag nab you...? whats that mean

Homo: haha good luck my hag's gonna put up a fight
by B-Rug January 21, 2009
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Afextz=Nablet for using his gay ass sn
by OutKastz December 18, 2004
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