When someone is ugly and you need a escape
"Oh no Jessica I left my dog in a tree, I'll be back." *never returns*
by Cphill November 15, 2015
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basically its an excuse for not doing ur homework
Teacher: Timmy did u do ur homework?
Timmy: Sorry, my dog ate my homework.
Teacher: Timmy, i know u didnt do ur homework thats why im giving u 1 week detention!
Timmy: Aw man :(
by immaschild April 20, 2023
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an expression of DOUBT! like saying: are you shitting me ?

there WAS a period where i had to stop saying this because several people i know just had a dog die!
APOLOGIES! to those finding THEMSELVES currently THERE!

it IS an "arty" slogan, and if you don't feel SOMETHING (good OR BAD !) it ISN'T ART !! still, a possibility of inappropriateness DOES exist !
trump: green is PURPLE ! -crazy uncle bwob: MY DEAD DOG !

let's have sixteen more beers!! college 'boy': MY DEAD DOG !

i lorraine "ground the poison out of me" last night! guy: MY DEAD DOG !
by michael foolsley March 30, 2022
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Having sex while your girl is on her period.
Friend: “Get some last night?”
Me: “Yeah, she was on her period, but I don’t mind a little ketchup on my hot dog.”
by Plumb2 February 27, 2019
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When u bored and u just gotta go. Okay, first of all tell me why you searched this? Are you extremly lonely and bored like just why.
by poop guy 2345 February 23, 2021
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