ICP is a great band. They don't care what people think of them and I respect them for that. They actually did something great with their lives. Juggalos and Juggalettes are their fans. They understand ICP more than what all the other hatin motherfuckers out there do. I know how to spell, and I actually am smart. So you want to say that people who like ICP can go fuck off. While your dissing this shit you are spelling words wrong yourself fucking dumbasses. People are just scared of whats different and I'm tired of looking at all the same motherfucking people all day long. Boring we live one life why not live it for who I am and not who everyone else is. That's some of what ICP is about. My life becomes what I make of it. MMFWCL
ICP Song: Whut chorus
I am whut I am
I be whut I wanna be, WHUT
I act how I wanna act, WHUT
I see whut I wanna see, WHUT
I smack who I wanna smack, WHUT
I do whut I wanna do, WHUT
I go where I wanna go, WHUT
fuck you, you , you, and you, WHUT
forever I'm a juggalo, WHUT
by CAC35 June 4, 2007
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a computer thing that noone knows about, also, a band that i support because my girlfriend listens to it but i really dont like it bc who the fuck wanna see their own girlfriend waving her titties around for dudes to see? wtf
person 1:yo u listen to icp?
person 2:hell naw
person 1:why not?
person 2: because they aint got no talent and they dont bang SHIT
by crippin menlo 65 February 8, 2022
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The vision appeared as a caravan of strange and powerful beings, which he recognized immediately as the Dark Carnival."

The Inscribed Chronicle Proceeds...

The painted faces of the Insane Clown Posse haunt the media like an urban legend. They emerge like phantoms amidst rumors of horror and stories of violence, shrouded in secrecy and surrounded by speculation, only to disappear back underground, beneath the streets. It is this sense of mystery, and the Dark Carnival mythos which surrounds and empowers them, that has attracted thousands of fans worldwide--endearingly referred to as "Juggalos." To hear Juggalos tell it, ICP are the only band worth representing, far removed from "the most hated band in the world". But, with a career spanning over a decade of hip-hop's tumultuous history, have they earned their reputation?

For those who seek the truth, the Insane Clown Posse (ICP) are a success story that baffles the so-called "experts," and defies all the rules of the music industry. Defiance has been a defining characteristic of ICP and Psychopathic Records since the beginning. Their tale begins with poor suburban kids lost in the streets of Southwest Detroit, and peaks with over ten RIAA certified albums and DVDs, including the Billboard Top 200's longest running hip-hop album--an unprecedented success for a group with no major label support, and no radio or MTV airtime. With little to no outside funding, and in spite of harsh criticism, they have managed to produce a feature film, almost a dozen music videos, a documentary film, live concert DVDs, interactive CDs, and a legendary stage show that includes theatrical sets, revolving costumes, giant crowd-spraying props, and thousands of gallons of Faygo pop. With the Hell's Pit album, they have achieved a certified World Record, for creating the first ever High Definition 3-D video! In their spare time, they show off their wrestling talent, in each of the major wrestling federations, and in their own Juggalo Championshit Wrestling circuit. Their activities culminate with the annual Gathering of the Juggalos--an ever-growing concert-festival extravaganza, which regularly sees over 7,000 in attendance. With all these commercial achievements, one might wonder where the bad rap comes from. Be warned, the story of how two kids in face paint went from small-time gang-bangers to monsters of the music industry is as amazing as the music itself...

Person 1: ICP SUCKS
Juggalo: *beats the sh*t out of person 1*
by Tsagu February 17, 2009
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ICP - short for Insane Clown Posse.

When something is rather great, more amazing then great it then becomes ICP.

When a person preforms a great act, nay an amazing act of any kind they are ICP.

Used by the Armadale mangs.
Dylan: Did you hear about the other night mang?
Mang: No what happened?
Dylan: We got heaps of free #2's and I burnt down MacDonalds.
Mang: Sounds ICP.
Dylan: Definately ICP, no doubt about it mang.
by Stiz5 Master February 2, 2007
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Saying ICP sucks is like saying "I must breathe air to live." It is simply the truth. If you think ICP is good, it is one rare instance where you opinion is WRONG.
"ICP sucks! In other news, the Earth orbits the sun!"
by someone12254765 May 27, 2008
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One of those ugly fuckers that are addicted to ICP, even though they are a disgrace to music everywhere.
Dude that ICP Freak chick tried to flirt with me.

You might wanna take a shower then.
by Slappy-Slap February 15, 2009
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A notorious ICP stealing group of people who steal ICP CDs and exchange them for shitty Metallica CDs. These bastards break into your house when you aren't looking and steal your ICP. If you are unable to see the ICP Raiders, you are known as something called a "Vrook".
"Shit, the ICP Raiders stole my ICP CDs and gave me shitty Metallica. FUCK!!"
by Myp Enis March 9, 2005
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