A Dutch Gas-Mask is when a male, who needs to fart, places his cupped hand on his ass, farts into his hand and clenches his fist, catching the stink inside.

He then finds one of his guy friends and then quickly opens his fist right against there nose, releasing a whole lot of toxic fumes right into the unlucky guys nostrils.
*Guy 1 thinks to himself I need to fart, while Guy 2, is looking away, so he decides to do a Dutch Gas-Mask, and farts in to his hand, and clenches.*

Guy 1: Hey, Dude, smell that?
Guy 2: *Turns* What?
Guy 1: This!*Unclenches fist under Guy 2's nostrils, and he begins a coughing fit while Guy 1 Laughs*
by McDermott June 12, 2012
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When a man pulls his scrotum over a ladies face and places his butthole directly over the nose. Said man than proceedes to fart mercilessly. The spreading of the ball sack makes a perfect "mask" over the womans face and forces her to deeply inhale any anal flatulence.
Nothing says loving a woman like a good ol' Jewish Gas Mask.
by Professor Poops May 4, 2006
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The act of voiding fecal matter on someone’s chest while they are asleep. The individual voiding is wearing a CPAP mask.
by Bane Darkness March 28, 2018
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The act of farting in your partner's mouth, then receiving oral sex from them.
I convinced that bitch to give me a Russian gas mask....It was degrading!
by Squeakyjew January 11, 2011
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When you take a shit on a girl's chest, then fart up her nose so that the smell stays there for days. Also used as a sign of dominance in some african cultures
Yeah, I gave this chick a British gas mask the other day....bitch wont be looking at anyone else again.
by Darrylsucksballs June 7, 2011
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The sexual act of a person putting his/her mouth on the anus of another person as the other person realeases gas into the other persons mouth.
Adne ate Abigales butthole blowout as they did the German Gas Mask.
by J@$0n April 24, 2011
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when you put your balls on someones eyes and stretch your dick into their mouth!
That mutha fucka looked like aquaman wearing my arabian gas mask!
by Chedder Bob September 19, 2006
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